Made in France
Novelty November 2017
Mega Eiffel Tower in kit is 3 meters high, but it can be transported in a 1,6 meter packaging, which facilitates its successive uses.
Easier also to personalize, it is a very good communication medium.
Material: cardboard Triples groove with recycled and recyclable fibers.
Dimensions: height 300 x 110 x 110 cms.
To order: all the sizes can be also made in Reboard, wooden or in Plexiglas. Other dimensions are possible.
Design: Olivier LEBLOIS, architect D.P.L.G ., technically assisted by Marc Lafarge, Sup de seche, for the realization.
Designer : Olivier LEBLOIS.
Standing : 1.10 x 3.00 x 1.10 cm